“Live the life you’ve dreamed. Dare to risk all that you think you are, in order to become who you truly are.”

Hello beautiful,

I’m so happy to have you visit our online Emporium, where you will find a curated assortment of holistic solutions to skin health, gut health & wellness. My dream is for you to find the solutions you are searching for, and through kindness to yourself choose to #FLY (FirstLoveYourself)..

My passion & love for finding natural, healing solutions is what motivates me everyday. I personally went through a very tough few years and suffered with my health. As a result, I experienced adult acne, eczema, pigmentation and dehydration which presented as premature ageing. I was in my late thirties and going through some big life changes at the time, so it was stressful. I visited dermatologists and skin experts but my conditions seemed to worsen. It was a very dark time in my life. A time that made me feel quite desperate and also quite hopeless.

I knew that in order for real healing to happen, I would have to take my health into my own hands and understand what was causing these issues. I started researching ingredients in skincare & food products, and what I found, blew my mind. I discovered some pretty nasty side effects from preservatives, colourings and perfumes. I also discovered through testing that I had contracted high levels of lead and mercury poisoning, which, if left unnoticed can create many different health disorders and even death. I really did feel poisoned, but couldn’t understand how.

And so began my personal health journey.

I threw away my entire cabinet of bathroom products, & started experimenting with my own formulations in my kitchen. I discovered that the skin has a specific molecular structure, and, when that molecular structure is fed with key superfood nutrients, found in nature, that my skin began to heal & transform in a matter of days. It was astounding. I found some light at the end of the tunnel. It was so exciting to have some hope back. I knew I also had to shift what I was choosing to eat, to an even more plant-based diet. A diet that offers cell-food, vitamins & phyto-nutrients to assist in eliminating the poisoning & to feed my body’s cells with proper nutrition.

And so began my journey of conscious eating.

It’s a real thing. And it really, really works. I find when I am being conscious of what I’m eating or drinking (is this nourishment in my health’s best interest?), then my body tells me, through a gut feeling if it is nourishing or damaging to my health. My health & energy levels have never been better, and my skin is healthy & glowing every day. The results have been so remarkable and so life changing, that it gives me much pleasure to pay it forward & be able to share these solutions with you, so you too can #FLY

For me, life is all about balance. And everything has its place. Throughout the site we refer to this state as perfect (pH) balance of body, mind & soul. A state where you feel content and happy in your skin, even a little playful with life, where gratitude is your king and kindness your queen. I’ve discovered that skin is skin, no matter what age, race or gender- there is a molecular structure of skin that requires certain nutrients. Without those nutrients the skin can age prematurely through dehydration. It can also present symptoms of irritation, breakouts, and pigmentation. I’ve tried & tested hundreds of products, some have been amazing and others not so much. So I chose to create the exact products that helped me to heal.

My wish for you is that you thrive in every area of your life.

Much love
Nicole x

My Story In Brief

THE EARLY YEARS – You may have heard of, or even used Ingram’s Camphor Cream before. Ingram’s Camphor Cream was formulated in South Africa in 1937 by Hans Rose, a German immigrant who formulated the odourless cream. Rose arrived at the doorstep of Ingram’s Pharmacy in Hillbrow, JHB where he met Len Tannenbaum, pharmacist and one of the founding members of Adcock Ingram. Len worked together with Hans Rose and perfected the formulation by adding natural camphor to the recipe. Camphor not only smells like healing, but offers amazing antibacterial, anti fungal and natural healing properties that really work.
Len was my My Grandfather on my Mother’s side and a wonderfully kind human.

My Father, Dr. Phil Sherwin, chose a life dedicated to finding healing solutions in alternative medicine and holistic health. He became a vegetarian at the age of 23 (in 1962) and qualified as a homeopath in his late 20’s. He continued his studies and qualifications throughout his life, in reflexology, acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, naturopathy, iridology, mineral therapy, flower essences, gut health, quantum energetics and pH balance. He was madly passionate about his work and was proud to have been recognised by HRH Prince Charles for his integrative healing successes with various diseases. I followed every modality as closely as I could.
For emotional, mental and spiritual wellness, Dr. Phil introduced me to mind-opening and life changing books by mind/body authors, the likes of Carolyn Mass, Neale Donald Walsh, Gary Zukav, Anthony Robbins (I even walked on hot coals), Deepak Chopra, Louise L. Hay – to name a few, that set me on an early journey to conscious discovery.

2004 – I spent some time living and working in Los Angeles.
L.A was life-changing in so many different ways. I wanted to learn the real inner stuff about people and interviewed many entertainment industry folk who were advocating for healthier, kinder, more environmentally focused choices. I worked with some amazing humans, and together we created a new kind of event. An even that brought sustainability leaders, taste-makers & experts the environmental arena together. The event was called; The Green Lounge Experience.


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2011 – I contracted severe mercury and lead poisoning and returned to Cape Town to be under the care of my Dad and other holistic healthcare experts, who worked with me to flush out the poisons and begin to generate healthy cells again. This was a 9-month process and definitely not an easy one. But one that got me through to the other side and healthy again.

After learning about my home-made recipes, I was contacted by the team at Expresso Morning Show (SABC3)- who invited me onto the show. I was asked to create natural recipes for their viewers. For the next 2 years, I thoroughly enjoyed my time every Thursday morning as their DIY home & beauty chef. This wonderful experience afforded me an incredible opportunity to create and test my formulations on live TV. Pretty nerve-wracking, but so much fun and such a great challenge.The viewers inspired me more each week. I had to come up with natural solutions in skincare, health, home & wellness. That’s really when Eco Diva Natural and my passion was born.

At the same time, my day passion was consulting as editor of Simply Green magazine. A wonderful magazine, focused on environmental issues and solutions to more earth-conscious choices. As editor, I was fortunate enough to interview leaders in sustainability, health & wellness that are truly putting their money where their mouths are. I was also invited to contribute editorial features for Odyssey magazine, Journal of Natural Medicine, Wellness Warehouse, All4women, Woman24 and Celebrity Society magazines. These offered supportive & authentic platforms for me to share my passion for wellness and my upbringing in holistic health.

Eco Diva was born to be a kindness brand to help & heal. For people, animals & planet.

I am grateful for my small team of incredible humans that work with me every day to support this exciting journey of sustainable change through kindness & integrity. You are my family from other Mothers. You all know who you are and you know that I love & appreciate all your dedication and support.
